Walt Disney World Desktops, Set Two

by Frank Anzalone, staff writer

Today we offer up another selection of dekstop photos from Frank Anzalone's recent trip to Walt Disney World. We hope you enjoy these as much as you've said you enjoyed his other sets. For those who have asked, we'll continue to offer just 1024x768 and 800x600 for today's set and upcoming sets from this trip. However, in future sets after those, we'll begin offering larger formats (including widescreen) as well.

The Walt Disney World Monorail.

A long shot of Mt. Everest.

The Tree of Life.

A sign for The Tree of Life.

Mt. Everest.

Dino-Rama Entrance.

The monorail in Future World.

Spaceship Earth from Epcot Entrance.

Spaceship Earth from Future World side.

Spaceship Earth from World Showcase.